dinsdag 22 september 2009

Long time no see

Back in business ! Sorry for the absence but it has been really busy the previous weeks, plus my scanner is acting really strange lately. I'm searching for a new one so if you can recommend me a good one, please comment!!

Now the good news:

I've been selected for a cartooncontest in Bruges: 'cartoonale Brugge'. The theme of this year's contest was 'Crisis'. 272 cartoonists of 32 different countries, 601 submissions. 50 cartoons were selected. Unfortunately I didn't win but I'm glad that my cartoon is amongst the 50 selected.

Crisis also present in Africa: " yours stocks are crashed"

The selected works are exhibited in the Culture Hall of the administrative centre “Brugse Vrije” in the centre of Bruges from 19 September to 14 October 2009. If you can't make it to Bruges, you can visit the online catalogue.

1 opmerking:

jangojim zei

goe gedaan man ! dat loont het wachten, de Kenneth is goe bezig :) - funny cartoon trouwens

doet gij trouwens mee met lambermontmartre deze zondag ? dan kunde misschien mee bij ons een jong teken-blok vormen, zou cool zijn !